Num Noms Lights Surprise in A Jar Peachy ICY Plush

Num Noms Lights Surprise in A Jar Peachy ICY Plush

Num Noms Lights Surprise in A Jar Peachy ICY Plush
  • Peachy icy really lights up and smells like peach!
  • Soft and cuddly plush
  • Smoothie jar doubles as a piggy bank or storage for your Num Noms
  • Includes a removable, scented, light-up Nom, just like in the Num Noms lights mystery packs
  • Collect them all!


A cupful of cuteness and a spoonful of surprise make Num Noms. To create your own flavor Fusion, mix a Num and a Nom. It's a recipe for mischief with so many wacky combos. Num Noms are the cutest, mini dishes! and they smell so delicious! huggable Num Noms that light up! each Num Noms lights surprise in a jar comes with a light up Nom. Place your light up Nom inside the num's pouch and watch it glow! both the Num and Nom are scented and smell so delicious! the smoothie jar doubles as a piggy bank or storage for your Num Noms! collect them all!

Price: $11.95
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