Squishable / Polar Bear Plush - 15"

Squishable / Polar Bear Plush - 15"

Squishable / Polar Bear Plush - 15
  • 15 squishy inches.
  • All new polyester fiber.
  • Ages 3 and up!


Camouflage! It's what gives zebras striped coats! It's why octopuses have bumpy skin! It's what makes new yorkers wear grey jackets! Camouflage is some pretty nifty stuff. Case in point: if you were a tasty, crunchy seal, I'd think twice about napping on what looks suspiciously like a soft, fuzzy snowball. Would this polar bear eat you? No! 'cause he's made of stuffing! but you'd both still be pretty surprised when he woke up. Respect the camouflage! Nap with your polar bear, not on him! Especially if you look like a seal. 15 squishy inches of spherical fuzzy! All new polyester fiber, ages 3 and up only!

Price: $41.99
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